new year’s resolutions

Stress-Free Ways to Work On Your Child’s Therapy in the New Year
Stress-Free Ways to Work On Your Child’s Therapy in the New Year 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

We understand that the new year can feel overwhelming, especially for parents who are facing the pressure of setting resolutions. However, we’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be stressful! There are many ways that you can help your child work on their therapy in the new year, without having to worry about finding time to do so. How, you may ask? By seamlessly fitting your child’s therapy into your daily routine. To help get you started, we wanted to share some of our favorite ideas with you, so that you can worry less about fitting in your child’s therapy, and focus more on spending time together as a family.

Ready to learn more? Let’s get started! From cooking a meal together, to sorting laundry, and more, here are 3 stress-free ways to work on your child’s therapy in the new year.

Cook a Meal Together

Your child will love cooking with you and getting to create a delicious meal. Start by choosing what meal you want to make, and head to the store. While here, have your child assist you in grabbing ingredients by reaching up high or squatting down low. When you get home, it’s time to cook! Allow your child to help measure and mix the ingredients, and once you’re ready, set the table together, and enjoy your tasty dish!

Sort Laundry

The next time you start putting your clean laundry away, let your child join in on the fun! Work with your child to sort, fold, and put away all of their laundry. You can ask them to sort their clothes by color, count the number of items in each pile, or identify each article of clothing. An additional way to get your kiddos involved in laundry time is to have some fun putting their dirty laundry into the hamper by asking them to aim and try to throw it in.

Go on a Walk

Combine exercise with your child’s therapy by going on a walk. First, bundle up, go outside, and get ready to go on an adventure. Now head to the park or explore your neighborhood while partaking in therapy-based activities. While walking to your destination, you can ask your child to identify different objects, play “I Spy,” or take turns being the leader and performing different moves for the other person to follow.

Happy New Year from all of us at Pediatric Therapy Network! Follow us on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) throughout the month of January for more stress-free ways to work on your child’s therapy in the new year, along with tips, resources, and more! As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time to discuss if your child would benefit from pediatric therapy. Our team is here to support you and your child in any way we can.

Stress-Free Ways to Incorporate Your Child’s Therapy Into Your Daily Routine
Stress-Free Ways to Incorporate Your Child’s Therapy Into Your Daily Routine 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

Parents work so hard to juggle numerous hats. Between going to work, taking care of your little ones, and managing everything else life throws your way, finding time to work on your child’s therapy goals can be challenging. That’s why we always recommend you try to incorporate your child’s therapy into your daily routine. In doing so, not only will you be able to reduce your stress, but you’ll also get the opportunity to help your child improve their developmental skills. Our hope is that fitting your child’s therapy into your everyday life will make it easier on you and take some of that added pressure off your shoulders. 

Have Your Child Help Clean Up the House

Asking your child to help you clean up the house teaches them the importance of helping others and gives them a sense of responsibility. Here are some easy ways to incorporate therapy into your cleaning routine:

  • Have your child bend down to pick up their toys and toss them into a basket.
  • Ask them to sort laundry into bins and then push the laundry bins across the room.
  • Have them climb up onto a chair or step stool to help you wipe down tables and counters or wash some dishes.

Work On Your Child’s Skills During Bathtime

Bath time is an excellent opportunity to work on your child’s fine motor and language skills. If you’re interested in incorporating your child’s therapy into their bath time routine, here are some activities you can introduce to your child that we know they’ll enjoy:

  • Incorporate nesting cups into your bath routine. Have your child practice pouring water from one cup into another cup or stack them on the side of the tub. 
  • Place different colored ducks on the edge of the bathtub and ask your child to count them and identify the color of each duck.
  • Make art together! Draw on the bathtub walls using bathtub markers. 

Read a Bedtime Story Together

When your little one is ready to go to sleep, perform their nighttime routine, let them choose a book, and tuck them into bed. Then, as you read the book, stop occasionally and ask your child to identify different objects on the page. Once you are done with the story, ask your child some questions, such as how the story made them feel and what their favorite part was.

Here are some wonderful book recommendations that you can enjoy reading with your little ones.

Happy New Year from Pediatric Therapy Network! Keep an eye on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) all January long for more recommendations on stress-free ways to work on your child’s therapy during your daily routine. We will also be sharing tips, activities, resources, and more! Also, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime to discuss if your child would benefit from pediatric therapy. We’re here to support you and your kiddos in any way we can.

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