back to school

Therapy and Back to School Routines
4 Tips For Incorporating Your Child’s Therapy Into Their Back-to-School Routine
4 Tips For Incorporating Your Child’s Therapy Into Their Back-to-School Routine 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

It’s almost time to get your kiddos ready to go back to school! Making the transition from being in the summer sun to heading back to the classroom can be tough on your child, and it’s important to try and ease them back into their school time routine. Though, we understand that for parents, creating a routine that also incorporates your child’s therapy can be somewhat challenging. But that’s where we come in! We’re here to help give you 5 wonderful tips for incorporating your child’s therapy into their back-to-school routine. Our hope is that these tips can help make the transition of sending your children into the new school year a little easier.

1. Work With Your Kiddos to Make Lunch: An easy way to incorporate your child’s therapy into their back-to-school routine is to make their lunch together. After your family sits down for dinner, ask your child to help you prepare their school lunch for the next day. You can ask your child to do things such as peeling an orange, spreading jelly or jam onto a sandwich, or using a cute cookie cutter to turn slices of fruit into fun shapes. Your child will love being your little helper!

2. Fit Therapy Into Your Child’s Morning Routine: There are so many opportunities to fit your child’s therapy into their morning school routine. In fact, your child is probably doing many of these tasks already! After your child has woken up and eaten breakfast, get them into a simple routine that they can follow day after day. For example, you can have your child brush their teeth, help pick out an outfit and get dressed, do some light stretching, make their bed, and help pack their school bag. This will make mornings go a whole lot more smoothly for both you and your child.

3. Make Time For Play: Being away from home and working hard at school all day can be tiresome for your kiddos. This is why it’s important to try and incorporate play when they get home! Not only will this give your child a chance to relax and work on their therapy, but it also allows you to spend some quality time with one another. Some easy ways to engage in play therapy with your little ones include:

  • Turn on some music and show off your best dance moves.
  • Have your child draw a picture of their day and explain how it makes them feel.
  • Get outside with your kiddos and enjoy a game of Simon Says. 
  • Try an easy family workout to get you and your children moving. 

4. Read a School-Themed Book at Bedtime: Last but certainly not least, we suggest ending the day by reading a book with your child. There are many books that relate directly to going back to school, that we just know you and your child will enjoy. If you aren’t sure where to begin, some of our favorite school-themed books include:

Follow us on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) throughout August as we continue to celebrate your little ones going back to school! Additionally, please don’t hesitate to contact us to talk about if your child could benefit from pediatric therapy. Our team is here to support you and your family in any way that we can.

Tips to Help Your Child Adjust to Going Back to School
Tips to Help Your Child Adjust to Going Back to School 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

Believe it or not, it’s almost time to send your kiddos back to school! This year has flown by so far, and although we aren’t ready to say goodbye to summer quite yet, now is the perfect time to start helping your little ones adjust from spending their days having fun in the sun to going back to school. However, we know that this is sometimes easier said than done. 

It can be challenging to prepare for the upcoming school year (especially if this will be your child’s first year of school), which is why our team wanted to share some tips to help make the transition go as smoothly as possible for your family. Our hope is that these tips will help get your child prepared and excited about going to school. 

Make a Designated Homework Area

Creating a space for your kiddos to sit down and do their homework will get them excited about doing their schoolwork. First, find a spot in your house your child can use to do their homework (and even consider asking your little one to help you pick out their special homework area). Now, have your child work on decorating that area by using their fine motor skills to draw some fun and colorful pictures. Your little one will love having their own “homework corner,” which will make the transition to going back to school that much easier.

Create a Bedtime Routine

One of the most important things you can do to help your child adjust is to create a bedtime routine. Getting your child into a solid bedtime routine now will help them when the school year starts and give them some time to relax and unwind at night. Some things that you can incorporate into your child’s bedtime routine include:

  • Have your child practice brushing their own teeth.
  • Sneak in some playduring bath time with bathtub crayons.
  • Let your child pick out which pajamas they want to wear and even try putting them on themselves.
  • Ask your child to point to or label animals or objects found in their bedtime story.

Ask Your Child How They’re Feeling

Going back to school can be difficult for some children, and it’s essential that you ask your child how they’re feeling. Take some time to sit down with your little one, and ask them to tell you how they feel about topics such as going back to school, making friends, being away from home, etc. This way, you can learn about your child’s concerns, address these concerns, and get them prepared to go back to school.

One book we love that talks about feelings – The Feelings Book by Todd Parr

Follow our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) all month as we continue to share back-to-school tips, resources, and much more. Further, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime to discuss if your child would benefit from pediatric therapy. Our team is here to support you and your child in any way we can.

How to Incorporate Therapy Into Your Child’s School Routine
How to Incorporate Therapy Into Your Child’s School Routine 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

Believe it or not, sending your little ones back to school is just around the corner (trust us, we can’t believe it’s that time of year, either!) This means that it’s time to start getting all of your child’s school supplies ready and start preparing them for their school routine.

Transitioning from summertime fun to going back to school can be tricky, and you may find it difficult at times to fit in your child’s therapy. But we’re here to tell you that it’s actually quite simple to incorporate therapy into your child’s everyday school routine. From doing yoga to using a bedtime chart and more – here’s how to incorporate therapy into your child’s school routine:

Do Some Morning Yoga: Participating in a family yoga session each morning is an excellent way to work on your child’s balance and coordination. Take 5-10 minutes before your child goes to school and follow along with a family-friendly yoga video. This will allow you and your child to spend time together doing a healthy activity and set you both up for an excellent start to the day.

Give Your Little One a Healthy Snack: If you send your child to school with a snack or lunch, be sure to pack them an orange or clementine. Why, you may ask? Well, once your little one is ready to eat, they’ll have to carefully peel the fruit, helping them develop their fine motor skills. Plus, they’ll get to enjoy something nutritious and delicious!

Ask About Your Child’s Day: Incorporating speech therapy into your child’s schooltime routine is as simple as asking them about their day. While you and your family sit down for dinner, ask your child to describe three things that happened during school and how each of those events made them feel. You could even ask your child questions such as their favorite part about school, what they enjoy doing during recess, and one thing they learned that day.

Use a Bedtime Chart: Our final tip is to utilize a bedtime chart. Write down all the things your child has to do before settling into bed, and hang that chart somewhere your child can reach. Then, have your child perform each of these tasks each night, and once they are complete, they can peel off a sticker and place it onto the chart! This will help them become familiar with their bedtime routine while working on their gross motor skills in the process.

Happy back to school! Check out our social media (Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest) all August long as we share back-to-school tips, resources, and more! As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time to discuss if your child would benefit from pediatric therapy. Our team is here to support you and your child in any way we can.

Tips to Help Your Child Transition Back to School
Tips to Help Your Child Transition Back to School 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

Fall is right around the corner, which can only mean one thing… our little ones will be heading back to school! Though it’s been an incredible summer full of fun in the sun, it’s time to help our kiddos get ready to return to the classroom. Whether your child will be attending school in person or virtually this year, it’s crucial that we, as parents, help our kids get prepared for whatever comes their way. Transitioning from relaxation and free time during the summer to daily classroom sessions can be an emotional rollercoaster for both you and your child. Fortunately, we have some excellent tips that you can incorporate into your child’s daily routine that will help them transition back to school with ease.

Get Back Into a Set Bedtime Routine

There are so many activities going on during the summer that can make it hard to stick to a bedtime routine. Now that school will soon be starting, getting back into a set nighttime schedule is so important. A consistent routine before bed allows your child to unwind and relax, and helps make it easier for your child to fall asleep. Consider starting with bathtime, then, allow your child to pick out their pajamas, next have your child brush their teeth and use the bathroom, and end with tucking your child into bed and reading them a story.

Create a Designated Area For Virtual School and Homework

No matter if your child will be attending school virtually or in person this fall, it’s essential to create a space for your child where they can take part in virtual learning and do their homework. Having a set spot where your child can do their schoolwork can help your little one better separate their school activities from their home life. Consider setting up a station where your child can access all of the supplies they’ll need and place an extra chair nearby for yourself if they need any help with their assignments.

Help Your Child Get Comfortable Wearing a Mask

It can be very tricky to get your child to wear a mask, especially if they have to wear that mask throughout the duration of their school day. If you’re having trouble getting your child comfortable with the idea of wearing a mask, here are some things you can do to help your little one adjust:

  • Allow your child to personalize their mask with stickers
  • Try on your masks together as a whole family in front of the mirror
  • Have your child wear their mask for short periods of time around the house and gradually increase the time each day
  • Have your child practice putting their mask on by themself
  • Discuss the importance of wearing a mask with your child and explain to them that a mask can help keep them safe and healthy
  • Reward your child anytime they successfully wear their mask in public or around the house

If you need help introducing your child to wearing a mask or if your child is sensitive about wearing a mask, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our occupational therapists for help.

Transitioning from summer fun to back to school can be challenging, but we hope that these tips can help make the process a whole lot smoother for you and your child. Follow us on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) all month long for more tips, resources, and activities. As always, if you find that your child is falling behind in their speech and language development, please don’t hesitate to contact our team to discuss if your little one could benefit from pediatric therapy. We are happy to help support your child and family in any way that we can.

Back to School for Special Needs
Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapy Prep for Back-to-School
Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapy Prep for Back-to-School 1000 1000 PTN Chicago

Back to school is upon us once again, and this can be both an exciting and stressful time of year for the children we work with – and their parents! Whether your little ones are looking forward to learning new things or feeling anxious about fitting in, there are several things that you can do to help them feel more prepared for the school year to come. Let’s take a look at several simple areas of focus within speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy that you can practice with your child leading up to that first day of school.

Speech Therapy Back to School Prep

Role Playing – If your child is nervous about meeting new children, you can help them feel more at ease by playing a simple role-playing game. Pretend to be another child that they’re meeting for the first time and have a conversation with them. Help your child think of appropriate ice-breakers and things they can talk about comfortably with new friends.

Curiosity Prep – Children have a tendency to ask questions that can come across as rude and hurtful when they are confronted with something they aren’t familiar with – like another child’s speech impediment. Before school begins, it can sometimes be helpful to gently warn your child that they might get questioned about the way that they speak by other children. Then you can work with your child to find simple answers to the questions they might be asked in order to help their new friends understand them better. (This is an area where a speech therapist can offer a lot of helpful advice!)

Occupational Therapy Back to School Prep

School-Specific OT Challenges – Going back to school – or going to school for the first time – can mean being confronted with new occupational challenges. For example, your child probably doesn’t open a lunch box very often at home. Work with your OT to think of the various occupational skills your child might find useful to practice before school begins.

Waiting Games – A lot of school is sitting quietly and waiting for your turn. If your child has trouble sitting still or gets easily distracted, it might be helpful to practice some mental games that can keep your child focused or occupy their mind while they wait in line. For example, your child can quietly try to find objects that are every color of the rainbow.

Physical Therapy Back to School Prep

Classroom Tour – If possible, try to arrange a tour of your child’s classroom before school begins with their new teacher. That way you can identify any areas that might be difficult for your child to maneuver or unsafe for your child for whatever reason. Having some advance warning will allow both your child and their teacher time to adjust. This is also a useful thing to do if your child has physical impairments.

Explore Outdoors – After your classroom tour, why not explore your school’s outdoor areas? You can walk through the halls of the school and then make your way outside. Let your child practice on the school playground or on the stairs leading up to the school entrance over the summer so they are familiar with these areas prior to school starting. It can be fun for them to see what’s waiting for them both inside and out.

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