4 Activities That Allow You to Spend Quality Time Together as a Family

4 Activities That Allow You to Spend Quality Time Together as a Family

4 Activities That Allow You to Spend Quality Time Together as a Family 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

At PTN, we understand the importance of spending quality time with your little ones. That’s why, throughout September, we want to highlight the significance of family and togetherness, starting with sharing 4 activities that allow you to spend quality time together as a family. There is truly nothing like spending time with your loved ones and partaking in activities that allow you to strengthen your bond. We can’t wait for you to try out these fantastic activities with your kiddos – let’s make the most of these special moments together!

1. Make Homemade Pizza: A really great (and delicious) way to spend some time with one another is to have a homemade pizza night. Gather your ingredients, find a good spot to work, and get ready to have some fun! Sit together and begin to carefully roll out the dough, spread the sauce, place the toppings on your pizzas, and get them in the oven. When the pizzas are out of the oven and cooled off, enjoy eating your creations!

As a tasty bonus, use the ingredients to make funny faces on each of your pizzas!

2. Play Charades: Charades is a classic game that families have enjoyed playing for many years. Not only does it allow you to get moving and be a little silly, but it also lets you spend that oh-so-important quality time with each other. To begin, work together to come up with 10 different things that you can act out, and write them on pieces of paper. Then, take turns picking a piece of paper, act out what’s on it, and see if the other people in the room can correctly guess what you are trying to imitate.

3. Go on a Nature Walk: Being outside together as a family and enjoying the nature around you is something very special, and can strengthen the bond between you and your kiddos. That’s why we suggest going on a nature walk. Get outside, walk around, and enjoy the beauty of the world around you. See what you and your children can find along the way, and try to spot out as many flowers, plants, birds, and animals as you can. Don’t forget to bring some water and healthy snacks along with you!

4. Play Balloon Volleyball: This last activity is one of our favorites, as it gets you up and moving, and is also a whole lot of fun! Take a sheet and tie it to two chairs to use as your volleyball net. Then, blow up a balloon, and get ready to play. Divide your group into 2 teams, and have each team stand on one side of the net. Then, hit the balloon back and forward over the net, and see how long you can keep it up in the air! As a bonus, to introduce some friendly competition, keep track of your points and celebrate with a healthy and delicious treat!

Follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) all September as we highlight the importance of family bonding by sharing activities, tips, resources, and more! Further, please feel free to contact us to talk about if your child could benefit from pediatric therapy. Our team is here to support you and your family in any way that we can.

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